Asaad Ahmad Alsaad 表示,为应对未来几年可能出现的乙烷供应短缺的局面,中东地区石化生产商正在转向使用包括凝析油、丁烷和丙烷在内的重质原料。
化工资讯网小编摘译自ICIS 2014-3-11
Middle East petchems 'switching from ethane to heavier slates'
11 March 2014 11:47 [Source: ICIS news]
LONDON (ICIS)--The Middle East petrochemicals industry is increasingly shifting from using ethane as a primary feedstock to heavier slates, the CEO of Petrochemical Industries Co., a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corp., said on Tuesday.
Asaad Ahmad Alsaad said heavier slates including condensate, butane and propane were being looked at more and more as feedstocks to prepare for a potential ethane shortage in coming years.